Breaking Up With Your Story (Audio Short)

Writing a novel is like being in a relationship with a high maintenance person. Novels want all of your free time. They want the leading role in you day planner. They want you to take them everywhere. It doesn’t matter if you’re out with friends that you never get to see, your novel has something to say and you’re going to listen. Sneak your phone out and type a few paragraphs.

Your Novel looks at your short stories and says, “Who’s that then? They seem pretty cute? Is there something going on between the two of you that I should know about?”

Looking back on your relationship, your novel is never what you thought it was. The ruby colored glasses come off and you see all the edits you’re going to have to make, all the couple’s retreats and all the counseling. You will constantly doubt if it’s all worth it.

Then publishing your novel is like planing a wedding. First you have to find a place. Then they have to set a date. Then you have to send out the invites. It is work.

Like any relationship, writing a novel takes commitment.

This audio short is about what happens when you think you don’t have what it takes to see that commitment through. It’s my third piece to feature music. The first two were poems this is a fully realized short story. Enjoy!

3 thoughts on “Breaking Up With Your Story (Audio Short)”

    1. Thank you so much. I can relate. I’ve lost real relationships over my artistic temperament. It’s difficult to explain to my extraverted friends that my desire to go home to read or write is not a slight against them. It’s just this other relationship that I need to maintain with my own head.

  1. Hello- I just stumbled through your site door, hope I didn’t scare your story mistress, or at least to me it is a mistress, because a story is someone you sneak away to, and you hide from the wife rut that is your thinking logical self. (not a real wife, in case mine is reading this).
    Your audio shorts are very interesting, I will return to listen more and form a better response, That is if you want a response.
    Thanks for the sharing

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