6 thoughts on “Halloween Announcement Video”

  1. Sarah Brentyn – Introvert with Hulk tendencies. Lover of chocolate, cheese, wine, and words. Mum. Geek. Writer. There are more books than dust motes in my house. Author of: Hinting at Shadows On the Edge of a Raindrop
    Sarah Brentyn says:

    Hahahaha! 😀 Maybe I have an odd sense of humor (I really do) but this had me laughing so hard. I’m looking forward to your Mash Up (and horror movie suggestions…those were great last year).

    1. drewchial – When Drew Chial was very young, he found an attic hidden in his bedroom closet. He discovered it investigating an indentation in the ceiling, nudging it with a broom, until it fell inward. There was no stepladder for him to climb, so he scaled the shelves. Shining his flashlight, he found a long triangular hall, twice the length of his bedroom. Every surface was coated in pink insulation that made his skin itch. Creeping into the basement, Drew stole a sleeping bag that he unrolled on the attic floor. He set a tiny aluminum lock box on top of it. This is where he hid the things he wrote. Now Drew hides them in plain sight.
      drewchial says:

      Thanks a lot. Laughter is indeed the correct response. Hopefully I can deliver again.

  2. Erik – South Shore, MA – I'm an author, speaker, blogger, facilitator, people lover, creative force, conversationalist, problem solver, chance-taker, listener, noticer and lover of life. "It's more about writing lives than writing pages."
    Erik says:

    I rarlely use the word “awesome” anymore, but this really was – even if I didn’t kinda sorta cyber-know you. I particularly loved seeing the fun your having as an adult, as well as the “live-action Drew.” It added another small layer of context to the wonder that is you.

    1. Erik – South Shore, MA – I'm an author, speaker, blogger, facilitator, people lover, creative force, conversationalist, problem solver, chance-taker, listener, noticer and lover of life. "It's more about writing lives than writing pages."
      Erik says:

      Oops. Tried to grab that typo (“rarely”) too late. Ah well. One of these days, you’ll add an edit feature. (Wait … do I even have one?)

    2. drewchial – When Drew Chial was very young, he found an attic hidden in his bedroom closet. He discovered it investigating an indentation in the ceiling, nudging it with a broom, until it fell inward. There was no stepladder for him to climb, so he scaled the shelves. Shining his flashlight, he found a long triangular hall, twice the length of his bedroom. Every surface was coated in pink insulation that made his skin itch. Creeping into the basement, Drew stole a sleeping bag that he unrolled on the attic floor. He set a tiny aluminum lock box on top of it. This is where he hid the things he wrote. Now Drew hides them in plain sight.
      drewchial says:

      Thank you kindly. I’m always trying to out goofy myself. Glad this little vid made you chuckle.

      1. Erik – South Shore, MA – I'm an author, speaker, blogger, facilitator, people lover, creative force, conversationalist, problem solver, chance-taker, listener, noticer and lover of life. "It's more about writing lives than writing pages."
        Erik says:

        Well, it makes me laugh. And it makes me a little petulant. I want to join up with you and make ridiculous videos!

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